Exhibition Camp August 25th, 1916

My Dear People,

Just a line to let you know I am well and doing alright. I just got a letter from Nell enclosing one of Berts too. I never saw Mr. McBride Monday so I suppose he did not come down. We had our educational exam Tuesday. I am enclosing the papers we had and we also had dictation. They would not allow us to put our names on the papers we done but just gave us a number the papers were then sent on to headquarters at Keswick and examined, there were 38 put up here and 36 passed, at Mitcham 123 put up and or 40 passed and they had the same papers as we had. We went down to Mitcham by train this morning for our practical exam but as there were only 76 candidates and they want 80 for the School they didn't test us at all, so we will go into the School Monday. I am pretty sure to go to Mitcham for bombing first and then to Cheltenham in about a fortnights time for musketry but you can still send my letters here.

After Dinner. They have given us leave so I am finishing this
in the G.P.O. I think I will go and see Mrs. Kelly this Afternoon. We very nearly had to sail on Monday the orders came through that we had to go to Mitcham last Thursday morning to help fill up the transport on Monday but they got enough Privates without us N.C.O.s so the orders were altered but it gave some of our fellows a great shock to be banged off so sudden but I didn't care. I haven't  seen Mat or Ralph yet it was a pity they gave Mat two watches. I hope your concert is a success Saturday. It is Violet Day down here today but soldiers are not allowed to wear anything on their uniform,so I bought a bunch to carry in my pocket. I haven't seen Jack O'Rielly yet but there are a lot of fellows coming in this week. I must close now hoping you are all well.

I remain

Your Loving Son & Brother




22nd AUGUST, 1915

A R I T H M E T R I C 

10.05 - 10.35 A.M.: Time allowed Half an Hour.


Full working must be shown. Answers alone will not be accepted. 
Read over all the questions carefully before you begin to write any answers. Questions may be answered in any order. 
Put your examination number at the top of each paper. 
When you have finished read over your work to see if you have omitted anything. 

  1. After spending one fifth (1/5) of his money, a man finds he has L567/13/8 left. What was the original amount?
  2. What is the value of one million penny stamps?
  3. If a half crown weighs half an oz, what would be the value of one ton of half crowns?
C O M P O S I T I O N.

Write on one of the following :-
  1. How to keep fit.
  2. A Sea Voyage.
  3. Aerial Navigation.