Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well. I joined my old Battalion 10 days ago and went into the front line the same night. We did a few days in the line and then shifted out. I suppose you know that Fritz has made his big attack and it is quite likely that I will be having a bit to do with stopping him during the next few days.
I had a very good trip to France this time but have not had as opportunity to write owing to the shifting about. I sent a couple of field cards which I hope you get alright.

Since joining the Battalion I have received a Burra Record and 12 letters - 3 from Mum (Nov 4, 8, and 15th) 4 from Annie (Nov 11th, Oct 28th, Jan 13th and 21st) 2 from Siss (November 20th and Jan 16th) and 3 from Kathleen (Nov 2nd and 29th and Jan 20th), one of which contained a 10/ note. I appreciate Kathie's kindness but I am glad to say I do not need the money. I think this is just about all my letters now. The only thing that I have not received is the parcel with Siss' wedding cake and the parcel of gloves Kathie sent me, so I have been pretty lucky.
Harry Tralaggan is still going, but I think his shoulder is pretty weak. He tells me there is a rumour going around at last Burra Show that I was killed. I do not know if you heard it or not. It was supposed, in the Battalion, that I would not get over my "whack" as the man who dressed me did not give e much of a chance, but it will take more than that to finish me.
Wally Arnolds is quite well and has got a stripe now.
March 31st.
Still quite well and resting in billets, must close now.
Hope you are all well,
T. J. Quinn