Dartford; December 18, 1917

No. 3 Australian Auxiliary Hospital

(Addressed to Miss C. K. Quinn)

My Dear Sister,

As I have received several letters from you lately I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along.

I suppose you hear a fair bit of my doings from home. Well my leg is getting along pretty well and I am able to get about alright now but, I still have a bit of a limp. We had a heavy fall of snow the night before last, the first I have seen this winter. It has froze hard since and the roads are as slippery as glass.

Our wards are heated by steam pipes so we do not notice it but it is very cold outside.

I have had a very good time since I was hit and as I never had very much pain I have enjoyed my spell pretty well. I have not heard from France since I left. I received the P.C. of you and Nell alright a very nice photo it is too. I am enclosing one of myself in hospital "blues" which I had taken in Milton. I will be going on furlough directly and hope to have a real good time. They are doing a bit of decorating here for Christmas. I expect I will still be here for that day. I am sorry that I never received the little parcel of gloves etc. that you sent me but they may have been sunk. There are a lot of Australians here and a good many of them who have been badly hit are going home.

Well I must close now, hoping that you are quite well.

I remain

Your Affectionate Brother
