Dartford Hospital; February 25th, 1919

No: 3 Aust Aux Hospital

My Dear people,

Just a few lines to let you know I  am quite well & doing alright.

I got a letter from Mick Griffen when he was nearing Colombo the other day, I also had a letter from Davenport in the Battalion, he told me the boys had got a parcel of mine which, of course, they would make short work of as soon as they heard I was in hospital, but I hope they let me know who it was from.

Things are going on quietly over here & there is very little news, the weather is very mild for this time of the year & spring promises to be fairly early this year. I am still getting my leg massaged.

Well I will close now as there is nothing to write about.

Hoping you are all quite well

I remain Your Loving Son & Brother
