AIF Base Records; May 12, 1919
Australian Imperial Force
Base Records Office
Department of Defence
BS Melbourne
12th May, 1919
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of advice to the effect that No. 4245, Corporal T.J. Quinn, "MM" 32nd Battalion, is returning to Australia per transport "Medic" which left England on 10th April, 1919, and will probably arrive ion Melbourne about the 28th May 1919. Further information as to the exact date of arrival and time of disembarkation will be published in the press when available.
It should be noted, however, that owing to possible mutilations in the cabled advice, and other causes, this notification may not be correct pending verification from the roll after the arrival of the troopship.
Any further inquiries should be made to the Staff Officer Returned Soldiers, Military Head-quarters, Keswick, S.A.
Yours faithfully,
JM Lean Major,
Officer in Charge, Base Records.