My Dear People,
Just a few lines to let you know I am quite well.
Things are going fairly well over here now. We won the Brigade drilling competition yesterday & will now represent the Brigade in the Divisional competition. The weather has been very nice lately & we have not had any cold weather to speak of yet. The French people are as busy as bees digging up their root crops, potatoes, mangolds, turnips etc. The women here work dreadful hard they are at it first thing in the morning & last thing at night, young & old just the same.
I had a letter from Mick Griffen the other day, he is doing alright in Hurdcott. I also heard from Henry Tralaggan he is on a Base job now & will very likely not be sent to the line again on account of his shoulder, which is quite right as it has been out ten times now.
We are to be reviewed by General Hobbs commanding officer of our division to-morrow so I suppose their will be some fussing. When we are out spelling we have to keep our equipment scrubbed & the brass-work'polished; especially on those drilling stunts & I can tell you the Aussies look very smart indeed.
Major General Talbot Hobbs inspecting troops |
Well I will close now hoping you are all quite well.
I remain
Your Loving Son & Brother