My Dear People,
Just a short note to let you know I am getting along very well.
I have just had my pulse & temperature taken & as soon as have had supper I will be off to bye-bye. My wound is getting along nicely & I will be going to England within a few days now. I think my leg is strong enough to move about on but the doctor advises me to keep quiet for a while yet.
You had better still keep the same address for your letters. They will then send them beck to the Base P.O. & I will get them re-addressed from there. Of course there will be a lot of delay about it out that cannot be helped.
It is quite possible that I will not get back in the 32nd when I come back to France again but I will let you know about that later & you can alter my address then. When I get to England I will send you a full account of my experiences when I was wounded. I will also send the piece of
shell the doctors took out of my leg. It is only a little piece about the size of a bullet, but I it was though a ton weight had struck me when I got hit. I would have sent you a cable had I been moved to England straight away as there is not much chance here. It will be stale news to you by the time I get to England.
I only hope you do not think it is serious because it not.
I must close now hoping you are all quite well.
I remain
Your Loving Son & Brother
P.S. Tell Annie I am sorry Maud & her glasses have beat her for Jack, but better luck next time.