Military Medal

Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Defence, 4th Military District

No. 4245. Cpl. C. T. Quinn, 32nd Batn. M. M.

During the attack near MORLANCOURT, South of ALBERT on the night 28/29th July, 1918 Cpl Quinn as section commander showed conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. His handling of his section throughout the operation was done with exceptional skill and he worked indefatigably during consolidation of the newly won position. During consolidation he moved around in front of his position and while doing so encountered a party of three of the enemy. These he immediately attacked and killed one, the other two he took as prisoners. His dash and daring as well as his cheerful manner throughout set a spendid example to his men under his command.


Brig. - General.
Commandant, 4th Military District