Burra Record; June 18th, 1919
Welcome Home Social A large crowd assembled in the Mt. Bryan Hall on Tuesday, June 3rd, to Welcome Home Cpl. Tom Quinn, M.M., oldest son of Mr and Mrs W. H. Quinn of this town. As the returned soldier mounted the platform he was greeted wilh a rousing ovation, as also was Pte Wilkinson, of Booborowie, who accompanied him. Mr A. W. Rush presided. A programme of musical and elocutionary items was supplied by Misses R. Bell, R. Wardle, C. M. Jefferies, and Mr and Mrs W. T. Bell. Speeches of welcome and congratulation were made by Messrs A. W. Rush, K. J. Rigby and A. J. Pledge. Cpl. Quinn was present ed by the Chairman with the usual inscribed gold medal, while the Red Cross ladies, according to their custom, handed him a parcel of socks and comforts. Cpl. Quinn suitably responded. Supper was provided by a committee of ladies, after which dancing, of which Mr A. Scholnberg was M.C., brought a happy evening to a close.
A Welcome Home Social was tendered to Cpl. T. J. Quinn, M.M., who has recently returned from active service abroad. Mr J. Thomas occupied the chair. Speeches were mane by Mr W. Gare, J. Thomas and B. Dunstan. Cpl. Quinn was well-known and respected in this district, and when, three years ago, he answered the country's call and joined the colours, it was not without making a big sacrifice. He was once wounded, but is fairly fit now, and intend s taking up his former occupation on the land. Cpl. Quinn was presented with a gold medal with an inscription. The attendance was large. Our guest was successful in winning the Military Medal. The following was the programme : — Chorus, Revellers; recitations, Master Theodore Pohlner, Misses Mavis Gare and Stella Pohlner; songs, Mr A. Simmons and Miss G. Tralaggon ; 'For he's a jolly good fellow.' Cpl. Quinn heartily thanked all for the warm welcome he had received. A supper and dance followed.
Mount Bryan,
Mount Bryan East,
red cross,