Struth - On Board News; May 14th, 1919

Struth No. 2
One Penny

The Homeward "Trek"

On Page 2 will be a round track chart. It shows the daily run to 13th May inclusive. To-day's run was 255. At this rate Adelaide should be reached in about 13 days. 


The Battle of the SELLE, 1st, 3rd & 4th Armies, 17th October to 25th October. 26 Brit. Divns, defeated 31 German Divns. 21,000 prisoners, 450 guns. Forced him from the line of that River and drove still another salient into his defences. It was followed by the final blow. 

The Battle of the MAUBEUGE,  1st, 3rd & 4th Armies, 1st November to 12 Novr. 26 Brit. Divns. defeated 32 German Divns. 19,000 prisoners, 400 guns, which struck at and broke the enermiy's last important lateral communications, turned his positions Soheivt and forced him to retreat rapidly from Courtraf. This victory completed the great strategical aim of the whole series of battles by dividing, in effect, the enemy's forces into two parts,  one on each side of the great natural barrier of the Ardennes. The pursuit of the beaten Enemy all along the Allied Line was only stopped by then Armistice. 

Total captures by British & Allied armies from July 18th to Novr, 11th :-

British        Prisoners: 188,700;    Guns 2840
French       Prisoners: 139,000;    Guns 1880
American   Prisoners: 43,300;      Guns 1421
Belgian       Prisoners: 14,500;      Guns 474

Send along your contributions; now's your chance to win fame as a journalist. Trot along your jokes and short yarns. 

Who is Sigmen Muggins anyhow?

It is rumoured that there are large entries for the 'long-haired' competition. Only a limited supply of curling tongs are on sale. 

The use of "STRUTH" in the early morning for curling papers is advocated. 

It is rumoured that leading competitors will give an exhibition shortly at Orderly Room. Applications for the part of Barber's Assistant are invited for the occasion.