My Dear People,
It was a real hot day here today & we had a nice swim this morning in some lovely cool water. I just got a letter from Mick Griffin, he is still being treated for his ears. He tells me Pat has bought a new house, things must be looking up over that way.
Just a few lines to let you know I am quite well. Since last writing to you I have received 5 letters to from Mum (May 12th and June 2nd) two from Annie (May 13th and 27th) and one from Siss (May 12th). I was very pleased to hear from you and hope you are still going on alright. The P.C. of Siss & George was very good indeed. I was rather surprised to hear that Jack & Maude were married. I saw Mat Griffin a few days ago, he is was quite well then.
It will be a bit of a handicap to poor old Ralph Thomas to have lost his leg but, I suppose he will have to make the best of it. Charlie Pohlner is lucky getting home, as I supposed to shoulder does not affect him very much.
(August 22) I received 3 more letters yesterday dated June 16th, One from Dad, one from Siss & one from Essie Bryce. I was glad to hear you had received my little parcel of souvenirs from Ireland. I sent a parcel of books of views as well I do not know if that if you got them or not. Petrol & oil is certainly very dear bur, they use immense quantities of it over here in lorries, tractors, tanks & planes. I do not know how they keep up the supply at all. At any rate I suppose the demand will ease off a bit after the war. I hope Mum had a nice trip to Mildura & found the folks fairly well over there.
Essie tells me Roy Beckwith is married (good going Eh). John Best must be having a real good time now he has got a housekeeper, I thought he was married.
Well I will close now hoping you are all quite well.
I remain
You're loving Son and Brother