Just a few lines to let you know how I am getting on, I was a bit off colour yesterday but I am quite well again to-day. I went to see Bert yesterday that he is on Blighty Leave. Lorrie Bell has been wounded. I saw Frank Cahill & Aleck Burton they are both quite well.
The war is going on nicely & we are having lovely fine weather for the advances the Allies are making.
I was awarded the Military Medal the other day over a little stunt we done on the night of 28th of July. I did not do anything special to earn it. I do not want any decorations at all, but I want to be satisfied in my own mind that I have done my job to the best of my ability, more than that I cannot do. I will send you a piece of ribbon when I get some. Wally Arnolds got one too but he earned his as he done some real good work. I say! Who said Bill Oulman was sleepy? Just about bangs Banniger doesn't it.
Well, I will close now hoping you are all quite well.
I remain your loving Son & Brother